Wednesday, February 23, 2011

BOAS and the Quake

BOAS is Christchurch, all through the story there are little explanations and descriptions of Christchurch. It is also based in 2020, which will be nine years after the quake that has just struck this wonderful city.

Much will change between now and then and I wish to present a Christchurch that has managed to come out of the rubble fighting and willing to show their English roots are still part of their architectural heritage. I know I will need many rewrites now as things progress and plans are redrawn to show what New Christchurch will be.

I hope that my book will show to the Christchurch residents that there is a future, maybe a weird one, but one all the same and that they will survive this terrible event as they did before.

My heart and prayers go out to the people of Christchurch, and also to people like myself who have emotional ties to the grand city. The Garden City will be great once more. My deepest thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones, or have no idea if they have or not. Buildings can and will be replaced. Loved individuals are unique and will forever leave a hole in our lives.

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